Synthetic cannabinoids are powdered marijuana comes in a packet. It is usually used for smoking only but in UK and US people drink them by mixing in milk. It has the same effect on our body as normal marijuana the only difference is that it comes in powdered form. People like synthetic cannabinoids more than the normal marijuana. Because it is easy to consume. Synthetic cannabinoids have more demand than the normal weed. Synthetic cannabinoids is easy to smoke, inhale or mix in milk because of it’s powdered form. People like to do easy work not hard work and perk of synthetic cannabinoids is that it can be used anywhere. You can carry it everywhere without knowing anyone. USES OF SYNTHETIC CANNABINOIDS 1. Anxiety/stress : Synthetic cannabinoids help in relieving stress or anxiety issues. If someone is facing such problems then it is a really helpful way to deal with it. It can help you in keeping you relax and you can also fo...